Introduction to Paleo eating
For millions of years, humans have eaten meat, fish, birds, eggs and the roots, leaves, seeds and fruits of many different plants. Grains, beans and potatoes are toxic in the raw state and early humans did not eat them. Around 10,000 years ago, an enormous discovery was made: that cooking these foods destroyed enough toxins to render them edible. These foods could be obtained more easily than meats, so they became the staple of modern humans.
The old USDA "food pyramid" is obsolete. The USDA used to put grains at the base of the pyramid; saying that grains should be the basis for every meal. The Paleo Pyramid says the main course of every meal should be high-quality protein -- red meat, fish, poultry and eggs. Naturally fed animal proteins are the base. Eating more protein than your body needs sends the primordial biological message "the hunting is good" and it's okay to burn carbohydrates for energy rather than storing them.
Many people find it difficult to stick with the Paleo Diet because they are spoiled from eating a lifetime's worth of inappropriate, but tasty food. So, in order to spice up the foods we should be eating, this web site will attempt to collect a large amount of delicious recipes to keep us on the right track while satisfying our taste buds.
"vegetarian" (n) old Indian word meaning "lousy hunter"