PWC Etiquette  

PWC propulsion graphicTo most of us, etiquette refers to a set of behaviors—or community standards—that a group of people has agreed to abide by. These standards bring a community's beliefs and values into focus by celebrating what's admired and letting people know what won't be tolerated.

Manners count, even when boating! Obeying PWC and boating etiquette assures that everyone gets to enjoy their activities on and near the water together.

  • Given the crowded conditions at boat ramps, following proper procedure and etiquette will save time and prevent you from becoming a ramp rage victim. Always wait your turn. When your turn comes, be 100% ready and launch or retrieve your PWC as quickly as possible without sacrificing safety. Once your vessel is in or out of the water, clear the ramp area. Remember, there may be others awaiting their turn also.
  • Always be cordial and courteous.
  • Always pick up after yourself. Never leave litter on or off the water.
  • Excessive noise from PWCs often makes them unwelcome with other vessel operators, as well as with people onshore. Vary your operating area and avoid repeating the same maneuver to avoid disturbing those who may be trying to enjoy the same area.
  • Don't make excessive noise near residential and camping areas, particularly early in the morning. Be considerate to people who are there to enjoy a quiet and relaxing time.
  • Be aware of and keep your distance from fisherman and their lines.
  • Always be mindful of your wake when passing other vessels or people. Besides possibly disturbing someone enjoying a peaceful time, remember that you are responsible for your own wake and any damage done by it.
  • Do not attempt to spray others with the wake of your PWC. Not only is this discourteous, it is also dangerous and reckless operation.
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